My Mom is the Queen of Flan. If you are not familiar with flan it's a Mexican dessert very similar to Crème Brule or custard. Mom makes several flans a week for family, friends and pot luck gatherings. She makes different flavors and is very much a pro!
I've been trying to duplicate her recipe and success for the last several months. To make a long story short, let's just say I've cracked a few dozen eggs in the process of getting it right. After several tries with my own cookware, she gave me hers when we went to visit in August. Then, two attempts ago, we did Facetime on the Ipad so she could coach me on caramelizing the sugar. My last three attempts have been close and this week I finally got it.
Tada, here is my perfect FLAN!
I made it to take to a potluck meeting I had with the Texas Daffodil Society and it turned out just like my Mom's. I am so proud.
I felt like it needed a little garnish and didn't have anything besides grapes and carrots in the refrigerator. I improvised by thinly slicing grapes and using a "Red Hot" for the center of the flower. I am so happy with this that I had to share!
Now that I finally got this right, this will be one of my "go to" recipes for potlucks and gatherings. Hope you're having a great weekend.